Welcome to the ECE 246 web page.
We wish you a healthy and successful semester.
Instructor: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İ. Baran USLU (part-time)
E-mail: baran.uslu@atilim.edu.tr
Lab. Assistant: N. Yağmur KÜÇÜKKARA
E-mail: n.yagmurkucukkara@cankaya.edu.tr
Lecture Notes and a Sample Exam have been shared on Webonline-ECE246.
Dr. Baran USLU
IMPORTANT!! The Answers of Laboratory Homework 2 were uploaded to the website. (In The ANNOUNCEMENTS Part)
Laboratory Final Quiz Notes were uploaded to the website (In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Part)
Laboratory Quiz Notes were uploaded to the website ( In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Part)
- IMPORTANT!!!: This week, The Laboratory Final Exam will be held. (May 15 2019, Wednesday & May 16 2019, Thursday) Everyone needs to take the laboratory final exam at designated hours!!
- IMPORTANT!!!: The Answers of Laboratory Homework were uploaded to the website. (In The ANNOUNCEMENTS Part)